Achieving higher productivity through Knowledge management

For organizations, Knowledge Management is known as Knowledge Driven Business Management where KM facilitates knowledge sharing to promote learning and innovation across the organization. KM is a means for every employee to achieve their business objectives. Using KM all employees improve their present process resulting in higher efficiency and productivity. It is achieved by sharing best practices, failure stories and learning experiences through COPs and KM portal. Every worker has the collective knowledge of the organization to prevent Re- invent the wheel.

KM is a journey for learning organizations. It has a long way to go by learning from each and every step of the journey. All success and failures are discussed and analyzed.

After all it is KM which drives the organization in the competitive environment and is the key differentiator from the competitors.

Productivity is the relation between process output and all inputs, it is measured as ratio of output to input over time. This ratio is important as a measurement of business or process efficiency. Organization as a business process monitors the productivity and set a higher target for productivity.

No doubt business objective is to achieve higher productivity in every business process. Knowledge Management provides solution or path to achieve higher productivity. KM promotes knowledge sharing and brings cultural changes in the organization. It makes the job easy and effective by providing right information to right people at correct time. KM Prevents re-invention of wheel by bringing best practices, success or failure stories accessible across the organization. Knowledge Management provides collective knowledge of the organization to the employee to achieve best in their work area.

Knowledge Management is not only about knowledge integration ( or distribution ) where the basic assumption is valuable knowledge exist and it is to be distributed in the organization to prevent re-invitation of wheel or to do the same mistakes. Knowledge Management also focuses on creation or production of new knowledge. Knowledge is produced in a shared context known as Ba, identified by Prof Nonaka in the book “Managing Industrial Knowledge”. By moving through SECI cycle of knowledge creation, organization produce new knowledge for process improvements and higher productivity. It enables the organization to respond promptly to the market changes and create better product and services for the organization to offer to its customers. By making available the organizational collective knowledge to its marketing persons, organization gives its marketing department an edge over the competitors. Organization starts giving solution along with the product to the customers resulting in higher customer delight. Knowledge Management brings higher productivity in every process of the organization.

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