Knowledge Creating process, SECI Model

How the knowledge creating process works in an organization? The answer lies with how we engage the tacit and explicit knowledge in the process. It can't be just one way or the other. The process works by different linking process of these two types of knowledge in the organization. Knowledge creating process is a continuous, self-transcending process. As knowledge is created between individuals or between individuals and the environment, individuals transcends the boundary between self and others. As per Ikujiro Nonaka there are four types of knowledge creating process.

Knowledge Creating SECI model Socialization Externalization Combination Internalization Socialization


This process focuses on tacit to tacit knowledge linking. Tacit knowledge goes beyond the boundary and new knowledge is created by using the process of interactions, observing, discussing, analyzing, spending time together or living in same environment. The socialization is also known as converting new knowledge through shared experiences. Organizations gain new knowledge from outside its boundary also like interacting with customers, suppliers and stack holders. This occurs in traditional environments where son learns the technique of wood craft from his father by working with him (rather than from reading from books or manuals).


This process focuses on tacit to explicit knowledge linking. It helps in creating new knowledge as tacit knowledge comes out of its boundary and became collective group knowledge. This process we can say that knowledge is crystallized. The process of externalization is often driven by metaphor analogy and models. Quality circles are formed in manufacturing sectors where workman put their learning and experience they have to improve or solve the process related problems.


Combination is a process where knowledge transforms from explicit knowledge to explicit knowledge. The finance department collects all financial reports from each departments and publics a consolidated annual financial performance report. Creative use of database to get business report, sorting, adding , categorizing are some examples of combination process.


By internalization explicit knowledge is created using tacit knowledge and is shared across the organization. When this tacit knowledge is read or practiced by individuals then it broadens the learning spiral of knowledge creation. Organization tries to innovate or learn when this new knowledge is shared in Socialization process. Organizations provide training programs for its employees at different stages of their working with the company. By reading these training manuals and documents employees internalize the tacit knowledge and try to create new knowledge after the internalization process.

Ndeyapo Hauwanga31-05-2015
this website contains useful information that supported in my assignment.
thank you.
methembe sibanda07-11-2016
the extract was really helpful.i was enlightened on the knowledge conversion theory

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